You can still find them: They sit on the ridges, in the hollows, and on the stream banks of our nation. Like no
planned or contrived monument could hope to, these 150-200 year old log structures salute
that almost indefinable and unique spirit that was, is, and always will be - America.
A log home embodies the definitive American soul: the sweat, blood, self-reliance, ingenuity, pride, and unbreakable commitment to doing what must be done. There is a huge reservoir of strong people who believe in America's pride, values, and future. We, at Hearthstone, build that same spirit, tradition, and pride into every home we create.
To most successfully achieve those objectives, we believe that our log homes should authentically reproduce the look, charm, and aesthetics of our forefather's homes. We then combine that basic
philosophy with the finest in modern design, engineering, and technical
details so that your Hearthstone home is enjoyed for many generations.
Log homes were built all over the United States. Nearly all of the permanent, long-lasting log homes shared the common characteristics of logs hewn flat on the sides, joined at the corners with a dovetail notch, and chinked between the logs. While we have several different types of log homes, they all share these general characteristics. The pioneers built their homes this way because of the outstanding technical advantages. We believe in those technical advantages - as well as the tremendous aesthetic appeal.
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In the 1700's and 1800's, log homes were constructed in all parts of the United States. Other than the very crudest, temporary structures, the vast majority of those homes were constructed of logs hewn flat on the sides, chinked between the logs, and joined at the corners with some variation of a dovetail-type notch. This basic technique was employed for important technological reasons. Those technological reasons are still highly relevant today. For those reasons - and because we believe the hand-hewn, dovetail look to be the most passionately appealing - that is the basic style of a Hearthstone log home.