Hearthstone was born thousands of log cabins ago of a union between a throw-back chain saw folk artist, James Munsey, and his meandering trips through the mountains in search of 150 year old log cabins to rescue and restore. James ran out of old log cabins to restore and started making new ones in the same style. Since then, we have evolved our company, our products, and our services… but our culture is still rooted in those early treks through the hills and hollows looking for those hand hewn, dovetailed, and chinked log and timber frame homes…
It all started like this… It is getting more and more rare, but…
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Very early in our country’s life, constructing log cabins was a skill quickly adopted by several ethnic groups — originally in the Delaware River Valley. These Timberwrights spread out over generations and decades, settling this country. And, they built log homes from Maine to Florida, to California, to Washington. Nearly all of the permanent, “proper” log homes shared the common characteristics of logs hewn flat on the sides, logs joined at the corners by a dove-tail notch, and chinking between the logs.
Our ancestors hewed the logs flat on the sides so that they would shed water better, rather than collect it on rounded surfaces and cracks. Hewing also had the benefit of eliminating most of the sapwood from the logs. They dovetailed the corners because, as all good woodworkers know, a dovetail joint makes for a very strong and tight connection.
Over several decades and thousands of homes, we've developed several different styles of log homes based on that time tested, historically accurate, and heart grabbing formula.
The Timberlake Collection | The Timberlake Collection, which is featured in many of our photos, is the flagship for our hewn, dovetailed, chinked product line. The Timberlake homes feature logs hewn flat on the sides, but with the natural irregular contour on the top and bottom — and dovetailed at the corners — just like those old timers that helped settle our country. The Timberlake collection uses massive wall logs that are range from 14-24" in diameter.
These homes are faithful reproductions of those 150-200 year old masterpieces of folk architecture that were the pride and labor of our forefathers. They are nothing less than the finest living environment and lifestyle that modern engineering, combined with a reverence for the past, can bring.
We also have several other styles of hewn, dovetailed, chinked homes — each with a similar look, but different variations of log size, corner joinery, and chink spaces between the logs.
It’s not easy to manufacture homes from irregularly shaped pieces of huge timbers. But we do it every day. There are an infinite number of technical and service details that will affect the quality of your home and your experience building and owning it. We have decades of practice, and thousands of homes worth of experience.
We have a tradition of leading our industry in integrity, quality, innovation, technical excellence, and services. And, we proudly live by, and with, an unprecedented and unmatched guarantee of our work. Every day when each one of us comes to work, we each know that you, our client, have a money back guarantee that we have to live up to.
When you buy from Hearthstone, you are buying not only a wonderful new living environment, but you are also buying the peace of mind that comes from dealing with people who know what they are doing and have the integrity to back that up in writing.
When your new Hearthstone Hand Hewn log home is finished, it will look like it grew there from a couple of hundred years ago… except for the modern comfort, engineering, designs, décor, and style.
You can’t really get to know us just by reading or looking at photos. Come visit us. Call to talk to a professional project manager. Ask for a free literature package that normally costs $8.
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